2013 Laboratory B: Focused Beams in Scattering Media
GOAL: Examine characteristics of the focal field formed by a focused beam in the absence and presence of spherical scatterers
I. Effect of numerical aperture (NA) on focus
Goal: Get familiar with the "Focused Beam Simulation Tool" and understand the effect of NA on the focal volume.
- Launch the Focused Beam Simulation Tool in MATLAB. (Type FocusedBeamSimulationTool in MATLAB command window).
- Set Numerical Aperture to 0.25.
- In the Simulation Options box select No Scatterers.
- In the Output Selection box select Total field: Ex.
- In the checkboxes to the right check XY and XZ plane views.
- Click Run Simulation.
- Wait until you see Completed! in the Matlab command window.
- Save GUI as a MATLAB figure (File->Save As...).
- Repeat steps 1-6 for Numerical Aperture = 0.5 and 1.0.
- Compare the results for the different numerical apertures.
- Which numerical aperture provides a tighter focal spot?
- The theoretical Airy disk radius in microscopy is 0.61 λ / NA. Estimate Airy disk radii from your results and compare them with theoretical values.
- Compare the amplitude of Ex, Ey and Ez components. Which component(s) are dominant and why?
II. Focal field distortions
Goal: Understand the focal field distortion by spherical scatterers
- Set Numerical Aperture to 0.7
- In Simulation Options select One Scatterer
- In Scatterer Info set diameter of Scat. 1 to 1.0 (1μm)
- Set the location of the scatterer center X:, Y: and Z: to -2, 0, -5 μm, respectively
- In Output Selection select Scattered field: Ex
- Check XY and XZ plane views.
- Click Run Simulation.
- Observe the amplitude and phase patterns.
- Save GUI as a MATLAB figure.
- Repeat the steps II.3-II.10 for Scat. 1, Dia = 2.5 and 5.0 μm.
- Compare the results for the different sized scatterers.
- In Simulation Options select Two Scatterers.
- Set diameter of Scat. 1 to 1.0 μm.
- Set the location of scatterer 1 center X:, Y: and Z: to -2, 0, -5 μm, respectively.
- Set diameter of Scat. 2 to 5.0 μm.
- Set the location of scatterer 2 center X:, Y: and Z: to 2, 0, -5 μm, respectively.
- Click Run Simulation.
- Observe results.
- Change diameter of Scat. 1 to 2.5 μm and click Run Simulation.
- Observe results.
III. Focal spot displacement
Goal: Understand the focal spot displacement and amplitude change by a single spherical scatterer
- Set Numerical Aperture to 0.7.
- In Simulation Options select No Scatterers.
- In Output Selection set Total field: Ex.
- Check XY and XZ plane views.
- Select Linear.
- Click Run Simulation.
- Click on MATLAB “Data Cursor” icon (in "Tools" pulldown), find the largest amplitude in the XZ view plot. Record the value of “Index” (amplitude) and “y” (z location).
- In Simulation Options select One Scatterer.
- In Scatterer Info set diameter of Scat. 1 to 5.0 μm.
- Set location of scatterer center X:, Y: and Z: to 0, 0, -2.5 μm, respectively.
- Click Run simulation.
- Use “Data cursor” to find the largest amplitude in the XZ view plot. Record the value of “Index” (amplitude) and “y” (z location).
- Repeat the steps 9-11 for Z = -5, -7.5, -10, -12,5 and -30 μm.
- Calculate the amplitude change relative to non scattering case at each location.
- Plot Z vs amplitude change.
- Plot Z vs displacement of the largest amplitude spot.
- What conclusion do you come from above (B III. 15 and 16) plots?
- If you repeat above lab (B III) for lower NA, what results do you expect?