Short Courses in Computational Biophotonics

These Annual Short Courses in Computational Biophotonics (SCCB) have been enabled through support from the NIH (R25-GM103818). These courses aim to integrate biophysical, mathematical, and computational approaches to model the propagation and deposition of light in biological systems across spatial scales. Our intent is to provide a sound basis for understanding, modeling, and simulating the fundamental biophysical interactions and processes for optical imaging, physiological monitoring, manipulation and/or treatment of cells, tissues, and organisms. The Short Course daily themes and instructional materials are organized to guide the proper application of model-based computation germane to a broad range of Biophotonics technologies ranging from non-linear optical microscopy of cells and tissues, to phototherapy, spectroscopy, and functional imaging methods.

The short courses will be held over 5 days and consist of lectures addressing both biomedical and modeling/computational lectures, technology demonstrations, interactive software laboratory sessions, and student presentations and discussion to allow ample discussion of case studies that address the practical uses computational biophotonics algorithms and tools.