2023 Laboratory E: Recovery of Tissue Properties from Spatially-Resolved and Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectance Measurements
GOAL: This GUI Interaction aims to examine (a) the impact of optical absorption and scattering on spatially-resolved and spatial frequency-domain reflectance signals; and (b) the impact of optical properties and measurement selection on the tissue region probed by the detected photons.
Bring up the Vts.Gui.Wpf GUI
PART 1 - Spatially-Resolved Reflectance
I. Compare SDA and scaled Monte Carlo* predictions for Spatially-Resolved Reflectance
- Select the Forward/Analysis Panel.
- In the Fwd Solver: dropdown menu select "Standard Diffusion (Analytic - Isotropic Point Source)".
- In Solution Domain, uncheck use spectral panel inputs and select "Steady State R(ρ)".
- In Detector Positions, select Begin and End locations to 0.5 and 9.5 mm, respectively with 19 points (every 0.5 mm).
- In Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's = 1 mm-1.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox in the "Plot View" window is checked.
- Now select Fwd Solver: "Scaled Monte Carlo - NURBS (g=0.8, n=1.4)".
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Repeat the steps for μa = 1 mm-1.
- How do the SDA and MC models compare close to ρ = 0?
- Now switch to a logarithmic y-axis spacing. How do the models compare far from the source?
Press Clear All and return to linear axis spacing.
* Scaled Monte Carlo results are generated using the method described in Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 20, pp. 19627-19642 (2011)
II. Sensitivity of Spatially-Resolved Reflectance to Optical Properties
- Select the Forward/Analysis Panel.
- In the Fwd Solver: dropdown menu select "Standard Diffusion (Analytic - Isotropic Point Source)".
- In the Solution Domain select "Steady State R(ρ)".
- Select Begin and End locations to 0.5 and 9.5 mm, respectively with 46 points (every 0.2 mm).
- In Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's=1mm-1, n=1.4.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Fix μ's=1.0mm-1 and repeat the above steps for μa = 0.1 and 1.0 mm-1.
- Note the trend of decreasing reflectance with increasing absorption.
- Now toggle the plots with a logarithmic y-axis spacing. Note the linear decay of reflectance at larger detector locations when viewing using a logarithmic y-axis.
Can you relate this decay to the underlying analytic approximation?
- Click the Clear All button and toggle back to Linear y-axis spacing.
- Select Begin and End locations to 0.5 mm and 9.5 mm, respectively with 46 points (every 0.2 mm).
- In Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's = 0.5 mm-1, n=1.4.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Fix μa=0.01mm-1 and repeat the above steps for μ's = 1 and 1.5 mm-1.
- Now toggle the plots using a logarithmic y-axis spacing.
Note the trend of increasing reflectance with increasing scattering at ρ locations close to the source but the opposite trend for ρ locations far from the source. Is this expected? Why or why not?
Press Clear All and return to linear axis spacing.
III. Optical Property Recovery using Spatially-Resolved Reflectance Measurements: Impact of Noise and Initial Guess
- Select the Inverse Solver Panel.
- For Fwd Solver: select "Scaled Monte Carlo - NURBS (g=0.8, n=1.4)", for Inv Solver: select "Standard Diffusion (Analytic - Isotropic Point Source)".
- In Solution Domain select "Steady State R(ρ)".
- Set Begin and End locations to 0.5 and 9.5 mm, respectively with 10 points (every 1 mm).
- Set Optimization Parameters to: μa and μ's.
- Simulate measured data: set Forward Simulation Optical Properties: to: μa = 0.01 mm-1, μ's = 1 mm-1, g = 0.8 and n = 1.4 and 2% noise.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Click the Plot Measured Data button.
- Set Initial Guess Optical Properties: to: μa = 0.05 mm-1, μ's = 1.5 mm-1, g = 0.8 and n = 1.4.
- Click the Plot Initial Guess button.
- Click the Run Inverse Solver button.
- To what optical property values did the inverse solver converge? (Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the output).
- Why are the converged values not exactly the forward simulation optical properties?
- Perform the same analysis changing the Initial Guess Optical Properties: to: μa = 0.001 mm-1, μ's = 0.5 mm-1, g = 0.8 and n = 1.4. How accurate are the converged properties now?
- Perform the same analysis with 0% noise added to the simulated measured data. How accurate are the converged properties now?
IV. Impact of Inverse Solver Model on Optical Property Recovery
- Perform the same analysis changing the Inv Solver: to "Standard Diffusion (Analytic - Distributed Point Source)".
- Perform the same analysis changing the Inv Solver: to "Scaled Monte Carlo - NURBS(g=0.8, n=1.4)".
- Which Model Engine provided the more accurate converged values?
V. Impact of Number of Measurements on Optical Property Recovery
- Change the Inv Solver: to "Standard Diffusion (Analytic - Distributed Point Source)". Repeat Section III using only 2 detectors. Can you strategically place the two detectors to obtain the same accuracy in the converged values as you obtained with 10 detectors?
- Use the plots generated in Section II that showed the sensitivity of spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance to optical properties to help guide their placement.
VI. Spatially-Resolved Reflectance in a 2-Layer Medium Using a Standard Diffusion Solver
- Select the Forward Solver/Analysis Panel.
- Click the Clear All button.
- In the Fwd Solver: dropdown menu select "TwoLayer SDA"
- In the Solution Domain select "Steady State R(ρ)".
- Select Begin and End locations to 0.5 and 19.5 mm, respectively with Number equal to 39 (every 0.5 mm).
- In the Tissue Input Box, for Layer 0 select Start/Stop Layer Heights of 0mm and 2mm to specify a 2mm thick superficial layer
- Also for Layer Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.1mm-1, μ's=1mm-1, n=1.4.
- Scroll down in the Tissue Input Box, for Layer 1 select Start/Stop Layer Heights of 2mm and Inf mm to specify the underlying semi-infinite medium
- For the Layer Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's=1mm-1, n=1.4.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Repeat this process so that you also generate R(ρ) for 4mm and 6mm layer thicknesses.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Now, let us see how these curves compare to the spatially-resolved reflectance for a semi-infinite medium with properties corresponding to either the top layer or the underlying semi-infinite medium
- In the Fwd Solver: dropdown menu select "Standard Diffusion (Analytic-Distributed Point Source)". Note that this solution is for a semi-infinite medium.
- Select the R(ρ) radio button and Detector Positions: Begin=0.5 mm, End=19.5 mm, Number=39.
- Plot this solution using optical properties equal to the top layer.
- Plot this solution using optical properties equal to the bottom layer.
- Where do the two-layer solutions lie with respect to the one-layer solutions? Why is this?
- Where do the two-layer solutions agree most with the one-layer tissue with bottom layer optical properties? Can you explain why?
- Where do the two-layer solutions agree most with the one-layer tissue with top layer optical properties and why?
- Can you explain the effect of layer thickness? What does this tell you about the depth to which the detected photons penetrate within the tissue?
Extra work:
Time permitting, repeat this entire exercise but with a highly-scattering top layer with properties of μa = 0.05mm-1, μ's=1.5mm-1 and bottom layer optical properties of μa = 0.05mm-1, μ's=0.5 mm-1.
PART 2 - Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectance
VII. Sensitivity of Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectance to Optical Properties
First, let us examine the sensitivity of Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectance to optical absorption
- Go to the Forward Solver/Analysis Panel
- For Fwd Solver: select "Scaled Monte Carlo - Basic (g=0.8, n=1.4)"
- In Solution Domain select "Steady State R(fx)".
- Set Begin and End spatial frequencies to 0 and 0.5 /mm, respectively with 51 points (every 0.01/mm).
- In Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's=1mm-1, n=1.4.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Fix μ's=1mm-1 and repeat the above steps for μa = 0.1 and 1.0 mm-1.
- Note what spatial frequency regime shows the most sensitivity to μa changes?
Now let us examine the sensitivity of Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectance to optical scattering
- Click the Clear All button and toggle back to Linear y-axis spacing.
- Set Begin and End spatial frequencies to 0 and 0.5 /mm, respectively with 51 points (every 0.01/mm).
- In Optical Properties: enter μa = 0.01mm-1, μ's=1mm-1, n=1.4.
- Click the Plot Reflectance button.
- Confirm the Hold On checkbox is checked.
- Fix μa=0.01mm-1 and repeat the above steps for μ's = 0.5 and 1.5 mm-1.
- Now toggle the plots using a logarithmic y-axis spacing.
- Note what spatial frequency regime shows the most sensitivity to μ's.
VIII. Optical Property Recovery using SFDI Instrumentation
Go to Lab_E_SFDI folder on Desktop and click to open. Follow instructions in file Lab_E_SFDI_manual_student.pdf.