Modeling and Applications of Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging
David Cuccia, Modulated Imaging, Inc
Modulated Imaging, Inc. is a technology R&D company in Irvine, CA focused on the use of light-based techniques for non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic monitoring applications in medicine. Located within the Photonic Incubator of the Beckman Laser Institute at UC Irvine, MI Inc is advancing patented University optical technologies toward commercialization by designing, building and deploying clinic-friendly instrumentation and software, accelerating researchers' ability to perform and learn from their collaborative studies. In this talk I will present modeling, instrumentation and clinical applications of Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging (SFDI), a key technology being developed by MI Inc in collaboration with UCI scientists. After providing a background of SFDI, I will discuss current computational challenges and how various modeling and simulation approaches have allowed us to overcome these challenges and optimize instrument/ measurement design.